Customer Testimonials

Boys worked hard, we had a stellar day Kelly, lots of tight lines!
We had an absolutely fabulous time. I thought the captain and mates did a great job!! We had outstanding weather and came back with some great memories. Thanks for your help getting this setup!!
We had an amazing time fishing with Fire Fly. The crew was very attentive, had good communication, and kept the boat very clean and organized. Lunch on the boat was better than the dinners we went out for. I’m already planning my next trip down!!
I first fished in Costa Rica in 1998 and have had many great trips including the most recent this August with BWSC. That team took care of all the in-country exploring and was the best trip fishing yet with so many more bites.
Costa Rica is my favorite spot to fish and tune up for tournament season back home. BWSC took care of us and we have booked already for 2023.
We did a half-day charter out of Quepos. It was a well-rounded trip that included some trolling and bottom fishing. We caught a decent number of fish but most importantly the wives had a ton of fun!
I just wanted to share a quick note and let you know that BWSC does a really good job. One call is all it takes. From arranging lodging, transportation, tours, and fishing to arranging for a private chef and massages…let BWSC help you plan your Costa Rica adventure.

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